About 中国澳门博彩官网

About 中国澳门博彩官网

Reading Area Community College (中国澳门博彩官网) is an accredited, comprehensive, 提供下列服务的开放招生教育机构:副学士, Certificate and Diploma Programs; career-focused training; transitional coursework; skills training for business and industry; personal enrichment programs and public service activities. Sponsored by Berks County, 学院提供负担得起的机会,以满足已确定的社区教育需求.

Students from every age, race, 宗教和世界上许多不同的国家选择在这里学习. 那些在这所大学攻读学位的人被护理等专业所吸引, respiratory care, criminal justice and business. 还有一些人参加个人课程是为了提高技能或兴趣, or pursue certification in a variety of subjects. 社区教育/劳动力发展部门提供牙科辅助等项目, home health aide and GED preparation.

学院在商界也扮演着重要的角色. 施密特培训和技术中心提供高级领导培训, manufacturing technology, information technology, workplace readiness and workplace literacy. 中国澳门博彩官网还与其他社区组织合作,以增强城市和县的经济活力.

Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Mission and Core Values



At 中国澳门博彩官网…

  • We strive for excellence in all our actions.
  • 我们通过教学和指导促进学生的学习和个人成长.
  • 我们创造温馨和安全的环境,让求知欲和学习得以蓬勃发展.
  • 我们重视社区的多样性及其带来的丰富性.
  • 我们将学生与学院和整个社区的资源联系起来,以最好地满足他们的教育需求.
  • 我们致力于为学生和我们自己终身学习.


雷丁区社区学院相信每个公民的教育丰富和我们所服务的社区的经济和文化发展. We are committed to the four, 关键的“标志”,我们认为是在一个全面的社区学院的核心:准入, opportunity, excellence and hope.

Access. We provide access to an education for all students. As an open access institution, 学生有机会实现他们的愿望和教育目标.

Opportunity. As teachers, administrators, student services, or support personnel, we strive to work in harmony, 与我们对学生成功的承诺保持一致,以确保每个学生都有机会实现他们的梦想.

Excellence. We are committed to excellence in everything we do. 社区大学的独特之处在于有机会为学生提供个性化的学习和支持服务,以解决他或她可能在学习范围内的问题.

Hope. 雷丁区社区学院为许多认为自己永远无法接受高等教育的人带来了希望. Our mission ultimately offers hope to all persons, and we will continue to work diligently to sustain, and ultimately fulfill, that hope for all students.


作为“社区学院”,提供负担得起的优质教育体验,帮助学生成功完成大学的前两年, preparing for a career in two years or less, 或获得国家认可的商业和行业培训.

Strategic Goals

Goal 1: Student Learning and Success

Goal 2: Proactive Community Partner
在提供劳动力培训方面,加强对社区需求的响应, contracted training, 包括学分和非学分的职业和转学项目.

Goal 3: Viable and Effective Workplace

Goal 4: Known for Excellence

Find out more here.